Reiki with Hannah

New to The Lymington Chiropractic Clinic – Reiki!

Hannah is really excited to add Reiki to her portfolio of treatments here at The Lymington Chiropractic Clinic, especially now that she is a Reiki Master.

Hannah is a self-confessed course addict, and those who have Deep Tissue Massage or Sports Injury treatments with her know that she is trained in the use of cupping and instrument assisted soft tissue massage (IASTM). So, having recognised that the intense, physical contact of a Deep Tissue Massage wasn’t suitable for all patients and, having trained in Oncology Massage so as to be able to help cancer patients, Hannah sought a lighter treatment and discovered Reiki.

Hannah sees Reiki as an opportunity for the body to relax, rebalance and reset. Having time to allow your body and mind to totally relax, unwind and become unburdened of stress and anxiety, which promotes an easing of tensions and pain, leading to a sense of positive well-being.

Reiki is a complementary therapy that works through the laying of hands, either lightly on the body or slightly above and works on a physical and emotional level. Therefore, any patient can benefit from Reiki treatment as there is very little or no physical pressure applied. In recognition of this, we book the room for 60 minutes to allow patients a relaxed departure. Hannah’s Reiki sessions last approximately 50 minutes and include time for discussion, treatment and reflection.

The Reiki experience is difficult to describe so we were delighted with this testimonial from Jess Pearcey who expresses it so well:

“I had a reiki session with Hannah and it was a truly wonderful experience. As a relatively inexperienced individual when it comes to all things reiki related I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Hannah made me feel completely at ease and relaxed straight away. The session started off very relaxing and then during it I became emotional at certain points. But at all times I felt completely safe with Hannah. By the end of the session I felt notably lighter in my mind and spirit. It was an incredible experience. The following day I noticed the same lightness in my mood and general demeanour, it felt like something had shifted within me as if some of the stress I had been carrying for so long was gone. I would definitely recommend Hannah and will be seeking further treatment with her. She is both kind and professional.”

You can also find out more about Reiki from this link or by chatting to Hannah.

And remember, if pain and discomfort are preventing you from enjoying life, Book Online or call 01590 679560 for appointments with chiropractors Colin, Charlotte or Fiona, or massage therapist Hannah.

For acupuncture appointments, call Amanda directly on 07876 343 821. And for podiatry appointments call Paul directly on 07857 137732.
