Foot Health Week

It’s Foot Health Week! (22 – 27 April 2024) and our podiatrist Paul is offering a £5 discount on appointments booked this week.

Our feet do a fantastic job carrying us through our lives yet we often neglect them. Paul explains in this blog why your feet deserve a bit of extra TLC and how he can help.

The human foot, comprising 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments, is a masterpiece of engineering!

Our feet are complex and intricate structures that enable us to walk, run, jump, climb and leap. They provide optimal balance and support on uneven and uncertain terrain to keep us upright. Their amazing design acts as a remarkable suspension system to absorb shock and impact to prevent injury to the rest of our body.

As a Podiatrist, it’s my job to help keep these amazing structures in working order. Whether this is just a simple toenail cut, removal of corns and callous, or more complex treatments like nail surgery under local anaesthetic and gait analysis, I can help you.

Feet are often overlooked when it comes to health, yet they are crucial to mobility and quality of life. Because of their complexity, they are susceptible to conditions that can cause pain and even disability if left untreated.

You should have regular check-ups with a Podiatrist who can help identify and treat any foot problems, enabling you to keep mobile and pain-free.

As it’s Foot Health Week, give your feet some extra thought this week. Even if you’re unsure if a Podiatrist can help you with your complaint, give me a call, and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Any appointments made during Foot Health Week will receive a £5 discount off the usual treatment fee.

For an appointment, please call Paul on 07857137732.

You may also be interested in our other foot-related posts:

Focus on Feet – Plantar Fasciitis

Good Foot Care is Important for People who have Diabetes

For the Love of Feet

What are Chilblains and How do you Treat them?
