Be Kind to Your Spine at Christmas – Christmas Shopping Tips and Advice

Now that we are officially in the Countdown to Christmas – we don’t like to think about it until after 1 December – here’s the first of our Advent Tips on how to be kind to your spine throughout the stresses and strains of the festive season.

Our Guided to Christmas Shopping

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Venturing out to the shops, maybe to one of the fabulous Christmas markets in Winchester, for example, then before you leave, consider podiatrist Paul’s recommendation to choose trainers with laces. This will give you a stable base and broad contact area with the ground. It’s especially helpful in slippery conditions and if you’re loaded with pressies!

And when you are loaded, consider the British Chiropractic Association’s (BCA) advice to “distribute the weight of the bags between both arms or do your Christmas shopping in smaller chunks rather than one big, busy haul.”

Better still, take someone with you who can share the load. Although, this might cost you lunch, or at least a coffee and mince pie.

If you’re buying large, heavy or awkwardly shaped gifts and have no desire to resemble the Chuckle Brothers – “To me! To you!” – you could consider having them delivered.


Can’t face the crowds or don’t have the time?

Shopping online from the comfort of your own home is an attractive alternative. But do take care! The BCA says, “If you’re ordering your presents online to be delivered to your house, remember to take regular breaks rather than spending hours hunched over a laptop looking for the perfect gifts for your loved ones!

Indeed, it would be a good idea to consider your posture when surfing online and ordering carefully. We have top tips for computer use in our blog EXAM STRESS AND OFFICE SYNDROME, aimed at another stressful time of the year. Similar advice applies if you’re squinting and scrolling through your phone or tablet to make those perfect purchases.

Of course, if you should pull an early ‘Christmas Cracker’ or have any other muscular-skeletal problems, our team is here to help.

BOOK ONLINE or call 01590 679560 for appointments with chiropractors Colin, Charlotte or Fiona or massage therapist Hannah.

For acupuncture appointments, call Amanda directly on 07876 343 821.

For podiatry appointments, call Paul directly at 07857 137732.
